Donate to the League
Donors like you have made us the most trusted voice in positive solutions to public policy issues. Please note that your gift to the League of Women Voters of Louisville, a 501(c)(3) organization, is tax-deductible. Because the League of Women Voters is non-partisan, we never use donations to support or oppose candidates or political parties.
Please click on the button below to donate through PayPal or by credit/debit card.
To donate by mail, please print and fill out the contribution form below. Mail it with your check to:
League of Women Voters of Louisville
Lang House, 115 S. Ewing Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206
City____________________________ State______ Zip Code_____________
Amount Enclosed $__________________ Phone (opt)____________________
Email Address____________________________________________________
____ I wish my contribution to remain anonymous.
____ I wish my contribution to be tax deductible where allowed by law. My check is made out to the "The League of Women Voters Louisville" which is a 501(c)(3) organization.
____ I wish to support the League's action priorities. My check is made out to the "League of Women Voters" and is not tax-deductible.
Comments _____________________________________________________